A blog about a homeschool girl and life as she sees it

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Day in the Life

Hello Readers!

     Today I am going to do a day-in-the-life post about events that happened today. By the hour.
Today I might also do a movie review, as well, so lots of content!

Well, here goes nothing.

9:00 AM: I woke up, rolled over, and grabbed my tablet. I switched it on, checked my email and IM for new messages, responded to a couple, then went up for breakfast.
10:00: Usually I did homework or whatever then, but today I skipped took a day long hiatus from homework and read a book (The Forsaken by Lisa Stasse) on my tablet.
10:30 We leave and go shopping for new shoes and swing by the health food store and the Pet Valu. We grab a new lead for my dog and meet some cute kittens. On the way home we go to the hardware store. Fun fun.
12:30: Lunchtime. Salmon wraps, corn chips and salsa, plus some cereal.
1:00: My dad rigs up the sprinkler so I can cool off somewhat on this abysmally hot day.
1:30: My mom and dad bring up the patio furniture while I watch the puppy.
2:00: I head inside for a snack. Puppy sleeps while I Google weird stuff.
3:00: I work on some Minecraft, then walk to the store with my dad. We discuss about maybe going on a trip sometime, or maybe re-visiting the States, which I did just a couple weeks ago.
4:00: Home again. I eat some more food.
5:00: Call my friend and watch a YouTube Video he is in. I text a friend and go on Threadless.
6:00: Dinner out on the patio. Burgers. For dessert we have chocolate pudding.
7:00: I finish Catching Fire for the second time and IM some more.
9:00: Head to my bed and go on my tablet for a while.
11:00: Unfortunately, it's lights-out time.

     So there you have it readers, a day in my fantastic life!
     Watch for a Catching Fire movie review and a My Favorites coming soon!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Book Review: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

First things first.

I love this book. I love it love it love it love it. I love it to death.

Aristotle and Dante is a very different story about two very different boys. Aristotle (nicknamed Ari) is quiet, lonely, and has never had a friend. Dante, on the other hand, is friendly, outgoing, and loves poetry.
They meet and they bond. However, their friendship is shattered by Dante's temporary move to Chicago, Ari saving Dante in an accident and breaking his legs in the process, and Dante revealing he is gay and sharing his feelings for Ari.
The book's main event is near the end, where Dante is severely injured and nearly dies in a beating. There is, however, a happy ending.
Aristotle and Dante is a breathtaking book. It has a slow pace, but a wonderful one.
The boys, Dante in particular, feel like living, breathing 3D characters.
Their struggles and their triumphs are real and true.

'I wrote my name on his back. He wrote his name on mine.'

This book made me happy. It made me cry. It made me glad that such a book exists. It earned a place on my Golden Shelf of Pure Wonderful (a prestigious award that so far has only been gifted to The Fault in Our Stars, every Harry Potter book except the second one, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings.)

Benjamin Alire Saenz is probably my new favorite writer, and Aristotle and Dante will probably be one of my favorite books forever and ever and ever.
"Ashamed? Of loving Dante?".....
I took Dante's hand and held it. 
How could I have ever been ashamed of loving Dante Quintana."

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Warm Weather and Cute Canines

Hello readers,
Springtime is coming up, and my corner of the world is warming up a lot. It has gone from freezing my buns off if I step outside for three seconds to wearing just a sweater. The deep thaw has finally worn off, and I am glad.
I have been spending the Long, Cold Winter by reading popular fiction. Here is my Grand List:

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell (nay)
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (yay)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (yay)
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (nay)
The Fault in our Stars by John Green (one hundred percent yes)
Divergent by Veronica Roth (nay)
Insurgent by Veronica Roth (nay)
Part of Allegiant by Veronica Roth (hated it so much that I didn't finish it.)

As you can see, most of the books I hated. I don't like most popular fiction.

Anyway, I have welcomed a new puppy to my life, a wriggly King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Her name is Pip and she is six months old.
She loves walks but hates people. I'm teaching her to lie down, and because she catches on to things pretty well, she is learning quite fast.
I have been quite busy with my homeschooling and my classes, which is why I haven't been posting as much, and I'm sorry.

 Xoxo, Taryn

Monday, January 20, 2014

Crafts by Taryn: A colourful birthday card

Hello readers! It's Taryn here, with her very first how-to blog!
I'm going to teach you how to make a easy, pretty birthday card! With photos!

You will need:

One piece of paper, any colour
A pair of scissors
Fabric, in a variety of colours and textures
A marker, any colour
It takes approximately 20 minutes to make.

Step 1: Cut out 16 (sixteen) circles of your chosen fabrics. I used some that came in a child's sewing kit.

Step 2: Fold a piece of paper in half.  Lay out three circles of your chosen fabric in the upper-left corner on the front of the card. It should look like the image below.

Step 3: Lay down four circles of your choice below the top row.

Step 4:  Lay down an additional four circles below the second row.

Step 5: Lay down 1 circle. Then, write a small message beside it, like "I love you!" or "I'm sorry" or "Happy Easter" or whatever you made the card for. I made it for a friend celebrating her 13th birthday, so I wrote ''Happy 13th," on the front. Then place an additional circle beside it. It should look like this:

 Step 6: Lay down three circles in the bottom row.
Step 7: Glue them all down. The glue may take a while to dry, but I used a glue stick, which doesn't take that long.

Step 8: You know how the corners are empty? Draw bows across them. Like this:

Once you've drawn them in the two exposed corners, you're done! Your finished card should look like this: 

Thank you for reading!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Something Long Overdue

Hello readers! Happy New Year!

  I realize I haven't been as....active on Adventures Of a Homeschooling Girl. So I'm going to make up for it by giving you an extra-long post about my plans for the future and lots of other interesting info.
  For me, figuring out the opening line for a book, or heck, even a blog post, has always been difficult. Maybe it's trying to figure out how to introduce it...or trying not to mess it up......well, either way, it's hard with a capital D.
  (Yeah, I know that made no sense whatsoever.)
  So here we go. I'll open with a quote from my latest book, Dacha Summer.

  "Summer is a rather peaceful time. When it's winter, we think of summer with a sad fondness, and we think of not-too-hot days with perfect breezes, spent skipping through meadows or climbing trees, or playing in sparkling, cold pools. We think of days watching fireworks, or wading through creeks catching crayfish. We taste the smoky flavour of barbecue sauce, and the cold creaminess of ice cream. We are thankful for air conditioners and trips to the beach. We wear faded shorts and climb onto burning hot, black-shingled roofs.
  My favorite part about summer are those rare days that are extremely cloudy but warm, with the occasional breeze. The air tingles with an electric charge. It makes me want to sneak through the forest, playing Manhunt, or go on a great journey. It makes me think of white-tipped waves crashing to shore. You can practically feel the salty breeze."

I love summer. It is the Bestest, most Amazing, Wonderful time of the Year. And since 7 and 2 are some of my lucky numbers, 2014 should be the Bestest, most Amazing Year so Far.
   And here's why:
  I may have a chance to go to Tennessee (long story)
  This is gonna be the year I really push for a dog
  I can climb trees a lot better than I used to be able to, so more time in the treetops doing my best Rue-jumping-from-tree-to-tree impersonation.
  I may be going on a real-life adventure with four good friends and compete with thousands of others to win something (also a long story)
  We will be getting our garden in, so lots of time planting and enjoying our harvests.

  Here are the small things I'm really looking forward to in summer:
  Climbing onto the rooftop and enjoying a really awesome view
  Eating frozen grapes under the shade of a tree
  Summer park dates!
  And last, staying up late at summer barbecues.

  And now that I've ranted on and on about summer, I'll tell you about my big (summer) project.


  Once summer starts, I'm gonna go out and photograph a single thing, be it flower, bush, or patch of grass, every day for the rest of summer. Then I'm going to make it into a time-lapse video and post it on here! Cool, huh?

  Right now it's snowing pretty hard. I dislike (read: extremely hate) winter, so I have stayed inside and made a sled for the Disaster, also known as Taryn B the One-legged Doll. She used to have ridiculously fuzzy hair and a dirty face, but my friend managed to fix her up. Many thanks.

La catastrophe, Christmas 2012
It's a big change from that.......

to this!

Le pas-si catastrophe, January 6, 2014

I used Google Translate French for both of these. (Don't kill me!)

  And soon my busy social calendar will start up again, and I won't spend my days looking out my window with the Disaster waiting for summer.
  Au revoir, dear readers, until next time!