A blog about a homeschool girl and life as she sees it

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Day in the Life

Hello Readers!

     Today I am going to do a day-in-the-life post about events that happened today. By the hour.
Today I might also do a movie review, as well, so lots of content!

Well, here goes nothing.

9:00 AM: I woke up, rolled over, and grabbed my tablet. I switched it on, checked my email and IM for new messages, responded to a couple, then went up for breakfast.
10:00: Usually I did homework or whatever then, but today I skipped took a day long hiatus from homework and read a book (The Forsaken by Lisa Stasse) on my tablet.
10:30 We leave and go shopping for new shoes and swing by the health food store and the Pet Valu. We grab a new lead for my dog and meet some cute kittens. On the way home we go to the hardware store. Fun fun.
12:30: Lunchtime. Salmon wraps, corn chips and salsa, plus some cereal.
1:00: My dad rigs up the sprinkler so I can cool off somewhat on this abysmally hot day.
1:30: My mom and dad bring up the patio furniture while I watch the puppy.
2:00: I head inside for a snack. Puppy sleeps while I Google weird stuff.
3:00: I work on some Minecraft, then walk to the store with my dad. We discuss about maybe going on a trip sometime, or maybe re-visiting the States, which I did just a couple weeks ago.
4:00: Home again. I eat some more food.
5:00: Call my friend and watch a YouTube Video he is in. I text a friend and go on Threadless.
6:00: Dinner out on the patio. Burgers. For dessert we have chocolate pudding.
7:00: I finish Catching Fire for the second time and IM some more.
9:00: Head to my bed and go on my tablet for a while.
11:00: Unfortunately, it's lights-out time.

     So there you have it readers, a day in my fantastic life!
     Watch for a Catching Fire movie review and a My Favorites coming soon!

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